Home / News / Artificial Intelligence / Musk claims he will step down as CEO of Twitter, although there have been some arrests

Musk claims he will step down as CEO of Twitter, although there have been some arrests

Elon Musk has announced he will follow the decision and resign as CEO after asking Twitter users if they thought he should continue in his role as CEO and not receiving the response he was evidently hoping for. There is a catch, though, because Musk must develop a suitable substitute for this to happen. It’s unclear how long that will take to complete. Additionally, Musk has expressed support for the notion of limiting future participants in such polls to those who have paid for blue ticks, which might guarantee that the outcomes reflect his preferences.

Musk began making a number of modifications after purchasing Twitter for a significant premium over what most people believed it was worth. These changes ranged from allowing hate speech proponents back on the platform to being lax with violent threats and removing critical journalists.

Despite the fact that since his takeover, Twitter usage has grown, as Musk has happily noted, there are several signs that this may not be creating a more sustainable platform. Musk’s ability to oversee Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX simultaneously is being questioned by even some of his admirers. And it appears that fewer people are becoming his admirers.

Musk responded by conducting a poll, and the 17.5 million respondents undoubtedly boosted his engagement numbers. Unfortunately for Musk, the outcome was not exactly a support for his presidency.

Following a day of letting the outcome rest, Musk has tweeted:

It’s unlikely that this will placate the 10 million respondents who chose “yes” in the poll. For starters, the phrase allows Musk the freedom to prolong his tenure as president for as long as he wishes. Another reason is that it’s always possible that the incoming CEO will prove to be even more offensive to those who disagree with Musk’s choices. Following images of them enjoying the World Cup together, there have been rumors that Musk will be replaced by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and former senior adviser to former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Musk’s continued management of the software and servers teams may be seen as an improvement, but not a solution, by Tesla shareholders or Mars colonization supporters whose vote indicated a wish for Musk to return to concentrating on his prior firms. Furthermore, it’s unclear whether Musk will still be in charge of major choices while the incoming CEO merely handles the details.

Although some have conjectured that Musk intended this outcome so he could step down while appearing nice, that’s not actually how Musk has responded to other people’s opinions.

It’s unclear how Musk’s tendency to only make significant choices after conducting polls squares with this pledge.


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