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The new HTC Desire 10 is Simply Gorgeous

HTC just introduced the latest addition to their smartphone lineup, the HTC Desire 10, and the first thing anyone could think when looking at the handset is “Wow, it’s gorgeous.” As one Tweeter user stated, it possibly is the sexiest smartphone on the market right now. The Desire might be the company’s mid-range collection, but they sure know how to wrap it up nicely. The design of the handset is simple, yet elegant, and even though it is made of plastic, the metallic trim on the sides and on the back of the device makes it look more premium than its price would suggest. The handset is available in four colors: black, navy, white, and pale blue. It’s safe to assume that the black and the navy versions will have the greatest number of admirers, but truth be told, the other versions also look incredibly nice.



Smartphone users can opt for either the “lifestyle” or the “pro” version of the handset. The “lifestyle” version is the less powerful one, as its name would suggest, with a 720p display, a Snapdragon 400 processor and 2 or 3 GB of RAM. The handset includes 16 or 32GB of storage, so it should be enough for the majority of users. The 13MP back camera and the 5MP front-facing camera are quite good features for a mid-ranger, especially if we consider the £249 (about $324) price tag of the device.

The HTC Desire 10 pro could turn out to be one of the best mid-rangers of the year. Aside from the truly elegant design, the 5.5-inch smartphone also impresses with its 20MP back camera, and the 13MP front-facing selfie camera, alongside the 150° panorama mode. The Pro is equipped with a more powerful, MediaTek Helio P10 processor, and it also offers more RAM, 3 or 4 GB to be more exact. The storage of the HTC Desire 10 pro is also more appealing than the one of the “lifestyle” version, instead of  or 32 GB, it offer 32 or 64GB of internal storage. The 1080p display of this version is definitely better than the 720p display of its sibling, so those who really care about the image quality of their smartphone will probably opt for this version, even if it is a little more expensive. The pro has one more thing in plus compared with the “lifestyle” model: a fingerprint scanner that can ensure higher privacy for users.

The HTC Desire 10 “lifestyle” will become available as of today in the UK and in other countries, while those who would like to purchase the pro version will need to wait a little longer. There is no certain information regarding the price of the pro model, but it is certain that it will be more expensive than the “lifestyle” one. They both look just as amazing, so users can opt for either one, and get a beautiful handset.

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