Home / Gadgets / Google Plans On Improving Android Wear By Buying Cronologics
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Google Plans On Improving Android Wear By Buying Cronologics

Google is constantly working on delivering better gadget to its customers. In some cases, the company focuses on the design of its gadgets, in others on the operating system that runs them. With the two Pixel smartphones, we must admit that they did a great job. The Android Nougat also has some positive feedback. Now, it seems that the company goes for improving Android Wear, its operating system for wearables. In order to do this, Google recently acquired a startup company, Cronologics. Given the fact that this particular smartwatch startup was founded by former employees of the tech giant, it’s safe to say that they will make a good team.

Android Authority reports that Google didn’t only purchase CoWatch, the startup’s own smartwatch,but also their operating system. The CoWatch was launched only a few months back. One of the main features of its operating system is that it supports Alexa. This is the digital assistant developed by Amazon. It powers the company’s Echo device and it is quite well seen by users. Alexa allows users to use voice commands to perform different tasks. On CoWatch, Alexa enabled them to order pizza for example. That is quite impressive, isn’t it?

Unfortunately for those who are fans of the smartwatch, it’s not quite clear what will happen to it, now the startup was acquired by Google. Chances that it will remain on the market are slim. However, we can’t know anything for sure. What seems to be certain is that with the new team, Android Wear will become more interesting and appealing. There are a lot of people who prefer wearable gadgets running on this particular OS, but the iOS-powered Apple Watches still seem to be more popular. Who knows? Maybe with the improvement of the Android Wear, other wearables will win serious ground.

We should have seen the Android Wear 2.0 sometime before the end of the year. Now, it seems that the operating system’s new version will be released in the first quarter of 2017. We can’t wait to see what the new team is working on. We hope it will be worth the delay.

About Jessica Morgan

I am passionate about gadgets and everything tech related.

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