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New information about Facebook’s Notify app has leaked

Twitter may have a new competitor in the form of Facebook. New information about Facebook’s Twitter-like app has leaked online, and if the leaks are to be believed it is called Notify. The app was reported on this August by Business Insider but new information about the app has leaked online.

Earlier this week Twitter announced that it was laying off 8 percent of its working staff, which equates to 336 people. In the grand scheme of things that might not seem like a lot but the fact that they have to lay people off might mean that Twitter is in for some rough times. Facebook on the other is the most used app among U.S users according to a recent comScore report. It’s no wonder Facebook is looking to expand its reach by creating a breaking news app.

For a lot of people Facebook has evolved from being the place where they interact with friends to being the place where they also get their news from. The news that Facebook is working on a new app that is more engaged with the users is not new.

The leaks from The Awl show that Facebook’s new app would allow users to follow either stations or providers, which means that people could follow both publications and individual posters. The leak showed us two pictures of what the app might look like and it seems Facebook is trying to combine the twitter model of following users with news notifications. The leak also states that the app will be launched somewhere near the end of the month.

Facebook is the most world’s largest social media site, but Twitter is the most popular service for following celebrities and other people. With Facebook’s new app it is possible Twitter’s popularity may drop and Facebook’s would rise, yet again.

About Violet Little

I'm very curious when it comes to technology. I enjoy tinkering with entertainment and communication gadgets.

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