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Revisiting the iPhone 6S Rumors

Last month, TGC talked about some of the features that were leaked for Apple’s iPhone 6S. While the leaks were revealed by KGI Securities’ analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, many of them were hard to confirm. After all, this information was coming from one man. But, as a month has passed, more and more rumors are coming out about the iPhone 6S. Let’s take a look and see how much of what Kuo said was true, what’s still in development, and what’s new.

While the release date for the iPhone 6S originally circled around the months of August and September, phone vendor Vodafone accidentally posted that a new iPhone would be coming out on September 25. This news came out a couple of days ago, where an email was leaked to the website Mobile News. Within the email, the company detailed the dates to their staff which also included pre-orders on September 18.

Now, several websites have been posting the supposed specs of the iPhone 6S. Sites like Christian Today and Value Walk are saying that the new iPhone will have an A9 processor and iOS 9. With the A9 processor, the phone will also have 2 gigabytes of RAM.

Concerning the material of the new iPhone, the company that supplies Apple with their metal, Catcher Technology,  confirms that the alloy they’re using will not bend. As we hilariously remember the Youtube videos of people bending their iPhone 6’s, Apple wanted to make sure that something like this wouldn’t happen again. According to Value Walk, “Series 7000 is the same metal the Cupertino-based tech giant uses in its Apple Watch. It is 60% stronger than the material used in the iPhone 6, but weighs only a third as much as stainless steel.” Sorry folks, supposedly it’s bend-proof.

Kuo mentioned that the Force Touch would be included with the 6S. So far, there hasn’t been any real confirmation concerning the 6S having Force Touch. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s what the Apple Watch uses. It measures the amount of “force” that a user exerts onto the surface of the watch. Basically, it makes for an easier interface.

There were issues with the camera as many thought that Apple wouldn’t increase the pixels of its then 8 megabyte cameras. But with the iPhone 6S, it’s strongly being expected to have the 12 megapixel camera. Aside from the iOS 9 coding leak, there hasn’t been any new info confirming the new camera for the 6S.

There’s still much to be seen before the supposed September release. With the same rumors circulating the Internet, it would be nice for Apple to come out and confirm what’s actually coming out on the 6S. What are your thoughts on the rumors? The predictions? And the phone itself?

About Morgan Ben

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, drones, smartwatches my goal is to review them all.

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