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Now everyone can post their Stories on Signal

Thankfully, there is a way to turn off the content-sharing feature on the encrypted messaging service.
Everybody may now create and share photographs, videos, and words on Signal using the new feature called “Stories,” which expires automatically after 24 hours.


The function was initially made accessible to Signal’s beta testers when it was first disclosed on the community forum last month. All Android and iOS users can now access the feature on the most recent version of Signal (v6.0), with desktop compatibility “coming shortly.”

By going to Settings > Stories, Signal users will have the freedom to choose who can view their stories. From there, users can limit whose Signal connections have access to the information, either by manually hiding tales from particular persons or authorizing specific contacts and existing group chats. Existing group conversations allow users to examine shared stories as well as the remarks and responses of other group members.


You can only share tales with members of particular groups, like your family or coworkers. Stories are end-to-end encrypted, just like all other Signal features, making them unavailable to anyone you haven’t authorized to view them, including Signal itself. 24 hours after being shared, stories will automatically disappear, but if you need to get rid of them right away, you can also manually delete them.


Stories may seem like a strange (or even frustrating) addition to a service that places such a heavy emphasis on anonymity and security, but Signal boasts that it is “one of the most requested feature requests” from its global users. Folks desire and utilize them, therefore we’re giving people a method to tell stories in private. In a blog post announcing the Stories feature, Signal community writer Nina Berman claims, “And without having to sift through a sea of advertising.”

You may turn off the function by going to Settings > Stories > Turn off stories if you don’t want to view other users’ stories or create and share your own. Signal won’t let contacts or friends know that you’ve chosen not to view their tales, so if they quiz you about any videos they believe they’ve been sending you, you’ll have to admit it to them directly.

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