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Flaps For Fido Allows Online Customers to Give Back to Animal Rescues

one thing we all have to admit: the world wide web is one great thing. Even though it can cause serious harm when used by the wrong people, it can also help do a lot of good. This is probably what PetDoors.com were thinking of when they created the Flaps for Fido program. The program is meant to benefit animal rescues. Whenever a buyer goes online to shop for an Endura Flap Pet Door, they receive a 10% discount on the product. This only happens when they mention a non-profit animal rescue organization. The 10% the consumer saves go to the organization they mentioned.

The program doesn’t stop here, however. PetDoors.com also invites animal rescue non-profits for the program Flaps for Fido. After signing up, the animal rescues receive both online and print materials that promote the program. This way, it can reach a lot more people, so many more can help a helping hand to the cats and dogs that depend on them. As I already mentioned, customers who opt for purchasing an Endura Flap Pet Door online can choose to send this amount to an animal rescue organization. PetDoors.com will keep the money and then give it to the aforementioned organizations quarterly.

Even though we don’t speak of any gadgets in this article, we have to admit that such a program couldn’t spread so quickly without technology. Thanks to the internet access we all have nowadays, it’s really easy to make a program known. Everyone can access the website of the company that promotes it. The fact that now we can post different content on all sort of websites can take the information even further. It was never easier to spread the word on something than it is now. Especially that the majority of us have access to cellular data or WiFi connections on our smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It’s practically impossible to keep away from information bombing us. Even though in some cases this can be a bad thing, like in the case of false news, in other situations it can prove to be a blessing.

Thanks to the technology we have nowadays, it’s extremely easy to help one another. We only have to want to help each other, the rest almost takes care of itself. We only need people with the right ideas, such as PetDoors.com CES Nick Pullano. He came up with the idea of giving back to animal rescues, and the internet practically does the rest. Even the money they raise with Flaps for Fido for different organizations can be transferred online. This way, people can help a little fur ball only by purchasing an item online and naming an animal rescue. How great is this?

About Jessica Morgan

I am passionate about gadgets and everything tech related.

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