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Tag Archives: Android

US Army Ditches Android for iPhone 6S

iphone 6s

The US Army’s Special Operations Command has used the Android Tactical Assualt kit for the last few years, but it seems that the era of Android has ended recently. The Army is now considering ditching the Android kits and favors the iPhone 6S instead of a smartphone that was more or …

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Google to merge Chrome OS and Android

According to recent reports Google decided to merge its two operating systems: Chrome OS and Android. Since Android is the most dominant operating system of Google, it seems that this is the OS that will run on the majority of Google devices. This means that laptops will also run on …

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Blackberry secures Android

Blackberry devices are well known across the world for at least two reasons. The first reason is their incredible physical keyboards and the second reason is their security systems. Regarding security, they were the first to provide secure e-mails and pioneered the concept of apps permission. There’s not much to …

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